2015 - 2016 Sessions
2015 - 2016 Workshops
Don’t Leave the Door Open: Best Practices for Avoiding Student Grievances
Presented by Dr. Robert Caldwell, Dr. Kathy Doig, and Dr. Thomas F. Wolff
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 11:30 - 1:30
1425 Biomedical Physical Sciences Building
Model, Meet Classroom. Classroom, Meet Model: Introducing Models to the Classroom Using Technology
Presented by Dr. Stephen Thomas
Wednesday, October 14, 2015 11:30 - 1:30
1425 Biomedical Physical Sciences Building
Moving Forward Using Backward Course Design: Alignment of Goals, Instruction, and Assessment
Presented by Dr. Cori Fata-Hartley
Thursday, November 19, 2015 11:30 - 1:30
1425 Biomedical Physical Sciences Building
To Flip or Not to Flip: Two Examples of Flipped Undergraduate Science Classes
Dr. Adele Denison and Dr. Kathy Hoag
Wednesday, January 20, 2016 11:30 - 1:30
1425 Biomedical Physical Sciences Building
Building from the ground up: How to create curriculum that is flexible, accessible, and editable
Dr. Nate Evans and Dr. Stephen Thomas
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 11:30 - 1:30
1425 BPS
Promoting Student Success in the Classroom
Dr. Vincent Tinto
Thursday, March 24, 2016 12:00 - 2:00 PM
Lake Huron Room, Union
More information, links to resources video of session
Promoting the Professional Development of Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Undergraduate Learning Assistants (ULAs) in Help Rooms & Office Hours
Dr. Melissa McDaniels and Dr. Tammy Long
Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:30 - 1:30